Mozzarella Basil Tomato Sandwich Recipe
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Welcome my husband, Randy, as he shares about one of our favorite sandwiches, a Mozzarella Basil Tomato Sandwich. It’s a favorite of mine, not just because it’s fantastically tasty, but because Randy is usually the one making them. I get the bonus plan. I hope you enjoy this sandwich just as much as we do. Take it away, Randy!
It’s that time of year, home grown tomatoes. There’s nothing like them. Legendary songwriter Guy Clark even wrote of love song about them. “There’s two things in this world money can’t buy, that’s true love and home grown tomatoes.” Check it out for yourself: Guy Clark’s album Keepers (You’ll see that “Homegrown Tomatoes” is No.7.) Take a break to enjoy this fun knee slapping tune!
There is no substitute for local vine-ripened tomatoes. The sweet, bright, fresh flavor is unmistakable. And tomatoes are loaded with vitamins and antioxidants so eat well and feel better.
It’s been a good growing season for tomatoes here this year. We’ve had adequate rain and it hasn’t been too hot. Tomatoes are plentiful in our local area now. I’ve seen lots of signs in front of people’s homes advertising fresh tomatoes. The vines at our home are full and it looks like they will be bearing for several more weeks. Whether you are harvesting the red fruit from your yard or a local produce stand, they are best local and in-season so enjoy them while you can.
Tomato sandwiches are a go-to summertime meal. Two slices of bread, mayo, salt and pepper make for a delicious seasonal lunch. But, when you are ready to step out and turn it up a little try this toasted tomato and basil creation. Tomato and fresh basil go together like Captain and Tennille, like bricks and mortar, like sand and surf … you know what I’m talking about. Bring mozzarella, olive oil and good bread to the party and you have quite an ensemble. But, tomato is still the star of the show.
How to Make a Mozzarella Basil Tomato Sandwich
Start with a good hearty dark bread. Add all the ingredients then toast the sandwich open faced to get the cheese good and gooey. Next, put it together brush with olive oil and toast on both sides. It would also work great in a Panini press. Feel free to experiment with different cheeses. It’s also great with sliced turkey.
Another tasty place to use fresh tomatoes and basil is this fresh Easy Bruschetta Topping Recipe. If you have a surplus of ripe tomatoes, bruschetta is the perfect place for them to end up.
Mozzarella Basil Tomato Sandwich Recipe

Mozzarella Basil Tomato Sandwich Recipe
A deliciously tasty sandwich using fresh basil, mozzarella and tomatoes.
- 2-3 ripe tomato slices
- 1 teaspoon fresh chopped basil
- 1 1/2 teaspoon olive oil
- 1 tablespoon mayonnaise
- 2 tablespoons shredded mozzarella
- 2 slices sandwich bread
- Place oven rack on middle or middle/top. Preheat oven on broil 500-degress F. Place 2 bread slices on a baking sheet. Spread mayonnaise on 2 bread slices. Place tomato slices on bread then evenly sprinkle basil and mozzarella on top of the tomato. Drizzle 1/2 teaspoon olive oil on the tomato/basil/cheese side. Add a pinch of salt and pepper.
- Leave the sandwich open-faced on the baking sheet and place in hot oven for 30 seconds to melt the cheese. Remove from oven, close sandwich and drizzle 1/2 tsp olive oil on top of the sandwich. Return pan to oven for 60 seconds or until top is toasted perfectly. Remove from oven again. Flip sandwich over, drizzle remaining olive oil and place it in oven for another 60 seconds.
Definitely one of my favorite sandwiches!! Love this!
Wow, that looks sooo good! Definitely saving this one 🙂
Vine ripened tomatoes = pure bliss. And this sandwich looks like heaven on bread. Ah!
I love healthy sandwiches, too. I use slices of grilled eggplant, grilled red pepper, Jack cheese, tomato, red onion rings, sweet basil to make a hefty sandwich. This is my favorite sandwich. Without the mayo.
Now THAT sounds good!!
Great looking sandwich! I normally take a tomato and cheese sandwich for my lunch but
I think this will top it. I can wrap it in aluminum foil. Thank you