In the grand scheme of things I realize travel isn’t of great importance, but I can’t hep’ it. I wanna go places. I want to stand on a distant shore, feel the wind in my hair and know, for that moment, the redneck within is tucked, far, far away… and I’m an international traveler… a woman of excitement… adventure… intrigue!


Of course that would last about all of a minute until I open my mouth to ask “Hey y’all! Where’s the local Starbucks?”

And the fact that I hate to fly posts a bit of a problem.

We can dream.

We can dream and watch the travel channel.

Does anyone remember those scenes from “The Man from Snowy River” that show the wide open range? I mean, doesn’t that just make you wanna strap on a pair of chaps, hop on the next plane to “down under” and hug a koala? Anyone?


Koalas or not, sometimes you just have to get away. A change of scenery is good for the soul.
And you don’t always have to go far. A day trip or a local eatery that you’ve never checked out can
often do the trick.

With that said, we haven’t been many places. There are a few favorite vacation spots, that I can’t wait to share with you, and many local/regional jaunts that we escape to often.

Of course most any where in Europe would be at the top of my list of places to see.

So, answer this…

Where would you go at the drop of a hat?  What would you do when you get there?

Wherever it is, get out there! See the world! Even if it’s only down the street.You’ll be glad you did.