Helpful tips for growing Thyme in your garden or landscaping.

How to Grow Thyme

Having fresh herbs on hand for cooking is such a treat. It’s so handy to be able to walk out the door and return in a few minutes with a handful of an herb that lifts a dish to the next level. Thyme is a favorite herb for cooking with but we’ve also found it a great addition to our landscaping. We have a few different varieties growing right now. They grow like a weed, only useful!

We have a common thyme growing in the formal herb garden space, but we started some Elfin thyme as a ground cover to grow between the walkways and patio stones.

How to Grow Thyme

It’s probably my favorite, so cute, petite and elf like. The Elfin thyme has grown fairly well, surviving the cold of winter to brighten back up and stretch a little farther each year. It also stands up to foot traffic which makes it perfect for patios and walkways.

We also planted a basic creeping thyme from seed alongside the Elfin thyme.

Tips for Growing Thyme

It’s going crazy. It’s like a Chia pet—so perky and happy. And we enjoy the fragrance from it while sitting on the patio. It helps create such a nice and relaxing spot.

This patch popped up from some seed that apparently went awry when they were originally scattered. Look at them grow!

Tips for Growing Thyme

When the seedlings first popped up, I almost pulled them because they were not where they were originally supposed to be. But I sort of like the natural feel of the patio area now. And it smells lovely too!

Thyme is easy to grow and with a hundred varieties or so, there’s probably one that’ll tickle your fancy. Check it out.

Tips for growing thyme:

  • Prefers full sun.
  • Likes an even supply of water. Avoid over watering.
  • Begin growing thyme from seed indoors, or directly in the ground outdoors after last frost.
  • Light, well-drained soil, and can handle poor soil conditions fairly well. Prefers a pH of 6.5-7.0, but can grow in a range of 6.5-8.5.
  • Thyme grows well in containers. If growing for indoors, make sure to place in a very sunny location.
  • Thyme is fairly hardy in many climates, but as with any plant, check specific needs for your area. If you’re in the Unites States, you can check see what zone you live in with on this Hardiness Zone Map.

Is there a herb that you enjoy cooking with? Or do you have an herb you use in your landscaping? Do share! Can’t wait to hear all about it. I’m always looking for new ways to use herbs.

Originally published May 18, 2010. Updated May 13, 2015.