She Wears Many Hats

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Glad Tidings

The fact that November is a few days away has me reeling a tad. How can it be? It seems like I just packed up the Christmas decorations from last year. But no time...

An itty bitty nest winner.

Thank you for visiting. This giveaway has ended. Hey y’all! We have a winner for the itty bitty nest drawing. After reading all of your comments about your favorite little (and some big) birds,...

An itty bitty nest.

Because my eyes may not be able to take it much longer, and because I love ya like a sistah, or a brother, or an aunt, or just a real swell friend, here’s another...


This time of year, each morning I search the trees surrounding our home for that hint of a change in color indicating a spectacle is about to begin. But fall is like a big...