Sautéed Green Beans Recipe
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The green bean, also referred to as the string bean, french bean, runner bean and even snap bean, is one widely used bean. With Thanksgiving approaching, pantries across the U.S. will begin stocking up on green beans and the yummy french fried onions to make that good old standby, Green Bean Casserole. It’s some good stuff for sure but here’s another option for our long, skinny, green friend.
Sautéed Green Beans are simple. I know I keep mentioning “simple” and “easy” in regards to the recipes here on She Wears Many Hats but they all are, and this one is no exception. Sauteing the green beans reveals a slightly nutty flavor. Very tasty and yes, easy to do.
Using oil and a few seasonings you can whip up some of these yummy, vitamin C packed babies in no time. Switch up the combination of herbs and seasonings to compliment any main course. If you’re cooking Italian, add some oregano and/or basil and delete the sesame oil. Get creative. Spice it up if you’d like!
Long live the green bean!
Sautéed Green Beans Recipe

Sautéed Green Beans
A super tasty (AND simple) way to cook green beans.
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 2 tablespoons sesame oil
- 4 cups green beans, washed dried, ends snapped (approx. 12 oz. weight)
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 teaspoon pepper
- 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
- 1 teaspoon soy sauce
- In a sauté pan or skillet heat the olive oil and sesame oil over medium-medium high heat.
- Add green beans, stir to coat with oil.
- Add all other ingredients, stir to coat beans well.
- Continue to cook, stirring occasionally for 10-12 minutes. Be careful not to burn. Green beans should be slightly firm but not crunchy.
You have a way with herbs and spices. Good idea for creating a new taste.
It’s really great, definitely I try this