She Wears Many Hats

Most Recent Recipes

Egg Salad Recipe

If you've never made egg salad (or tuna salad, which, for us, is just egg salad with tuna added), it's as basic as basic can get. Or at least the Egg Salad Recipe that...

I found it on Pinterest.

Are you on Pinterest? I am. Sometimes maybe too much. It can be quite addicting. I'll pop on there to find an idea for plantings for a new flower bed, then end up wanting...

Coconut Curry Beef

This Coconut Curry Beef is one of those recipes that allows you to prepare it way ahead of time so you can enjoy spending time with people instead of pots and pans. Plus, it's...

LL Bean Boots

In the market for some new boots? Back at Christmas I bought a pair of duck boots for myself. Back in college I had some but wore them completely out. Quack! I was looking...