Last weekend, while in San Francisco, we headed to the Ferry Building and wharf area in search of a few sursies to take home to our kids. On the way we passed a remarkable talent, John F. King II.

This guy was rockin’ y’all. He’s got skills. Or is it skilz?

Anyway, John was turnin’ the beat around. He was movin’ and groovin’ – definitely to the beat of his own drums, much of which was junk, or what most would consider trash.

(Okay, is the droppin’ the “g” and addin’ an apostrophe botherin’ you yet?)

You have to wonder if the people who threw out some of this stuff out would be surprised at what joyful sounds come from it now? One man’s trash…

I was so enthralled with his energy and performance that I didn’t read his signs until I got home and viewed the pictures. Look he’s got a website.

You can watch videos, hear audio and read more about John here at He’s even got a mission statement – that’s more than I have. And if you have kids be sure to show them some of the videos. Fun stuff. You never know, it may inspire an impromptu jam session in your own kitchen.

If you’re ever in San Francisco during the weekend, look for John and his drums near the Ferry Building. And don’t forget to tell him you like his hat!

So, have you met or seen anyone that inspires you lately? Do share…