Our garden is pretty sad at this point of the season. Thankfully we planted morning glory on a manageable trellis early this past spring.

The blossoms unfurl from spiral buds early each day.

It’s grown into a beautiful giant, with dozens of blossoms greeting us every morning. See how thick the vines have grown at the base? (That’s my dog’s tail on the left if you’re wondering.)

Now is the time to observe the garden and consider where you have blank spaces or areas you want to spruce up for the next growing season. Have a bare spot in the yard? Are you thinking about beginning a hedge or creating border? With winding, reaching vines growing upwards of 15-20 feet per season, Morning Glories are an excellent choice for covering a fence or trellis.

I think I could probably sit and watch the vines as they grow, curling and creeping.

Left alone, Morning Glory will reseed from year to year. Watch out, they can be invasive. So be careful where you choose to plant them. We planted ours on a trellis separated enough from the rest of the garden so it couldn’t overtake our other babies.

Morning Glory are easy to grow. They’re tolerant of poor soil and prefer full sun, and grow in a variety of colors; violets, pinks and white, among others. There’s even a night blooming moon flower that’s fun to watch too. Check your local garden centers for available varieties and information about growing Morning Glory in your zone.

Happy growing!
