She Wears Many Hats

Most Recent Recipes

Classic Glazed Ham Recipe

Holiday Glazed Baked Ham Recipe

The holiday table wasn’t complete without a Glazed Baked Ham adorned with colorful pineapple rings and maraschino cherries. Yes, it signaled the celebration was ready to begin. Many years my grandfather was in charge...

Snickerdoodles Cookie Recipe from

Snickerdoodles Cookie Recipe

This classic Snickerdoodles recipe is slightly adapted from Betty Crocker. The shortening has been deleted and a bit of cinnamon added to the batter for extra cinnamony-ness. Plus the cinnamon sugar that the dough...

Pecan Tassies Recipe

Pecan Tassies Recipe

These Pecan Tassies are like itty-bitty pecan pies and equally delicious! I do have some advice if you decide to make them: hide them and banish them from your mind, or immediately invite lots...

Organized Kitchen Cabinets

Organized Kitchen Cabinets

After visiting their website and speaking with a MasterBrand designer I’ve come to appreciate their commitment to quality and attention to detail. They offer a stunning selection of kitchen cabinets from traditional to modern...

Homemade Sloppy Joes Recipe

Sloppy Joes Recipe

For future hungry teenagers that may wander by, I’m planning on making a large batch of Sloppy Joes to divide up into smaller amounts to freeze so it can be easily popped into a...